Douthat’s purpose is simple: to make the case that ‘the basic justifications for a religious worldview are readily accessible to a reasonable human being.’ The Hong King authorities have ...
Christianity Today and similar leftward-drifting Christian publications also used those tactics to push COVID vaccines and promote critical race theory. The magazine and its staff, by the way ...
To say that college does something to the average student's religion is to state a truth which will be conceded by anyone who has given the matter a moment's thought. Nine young men and women out ...
He also was a columnist and senior editor at the Chicago-based magazine The Christian Century for 50 years, and he frequently commented on major religious issues in interviews, lectures and ...
But to all, the fruit and symbol of a civilization." An immense amount of material concerning the religious situation in China is being printed in the West just now. The efforts to secure more ...
This story appears in the December 2017 issue of National Geographic magazine. Somewhere in the world, a meal, ritual, or offering is being prepared in religious observance—most likely by the ...
Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.