The sight is built from 7075 series aerospace aluminum and is available in a red or green dot version. It has eight daylight and two night vision settings and an ambient light sensor to adjust dot ...
A Green Dot is any behavior, choice, word or attitude that sends a clear message that: 1. Violence is not okay with you, and 2. Everyone is expected to do their part. Picture Campus – Imagine that ...
A Green Dot is ANYTHING you can do to make our community safer. Trainings will introduce red dots and green dots and what they may look like on our campus or in our community. Green dots are divided ...
Ever wondered why a green dot on Snapchat suddenly appears next to someone’s avatar? This small but noticeable feature serves as an Activity Indicator, meaning it shows when someone has been active on ...
Green dot on the iPhone 15 while accessing the camera ... similarly, it will show a red pill if the phone is recording the screen or sound.