Dragon fruit comes from a cactus plant native to Central and South America. Its outer skin resembles a large cactus pear, ...
Red Pitaya, which does software-defined instrumentation, unveiled next-generation hardware akin to the "Raspberry Pi of measurement" gear.
This video shows the difference between the red and yellow dragon fruits (Pitaya). Visit our blog for a comprehensive article about growing dragon fruit here http ...
If you’ve noticed the TRX-DUO software-defined radio transceiver, you might have wondered how it stacks up to other choices like Red Pitaya or HackRF. [Tech Minds] obliges with a review of the ...
The Red Pitaya is a credit-card sized board that runs Linux, has Ethernet, and a good bit of RAM. This sounds a lot like a Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black, but the similarities end there.
An curved arrow pointing right. Covered in spines and hiding a rich, colorful pulp, the pitaya, a type of dragon fruit, can make or break the economy of entire towns in Mexico during the growing ...