Consult a healthcare provider if you experience oral-related symptoms that last more than two weeks, including white or red patches in your gums, pain inside your mouth, sores that won't heal ...
While its large brilliant flowers attracted early horticultural attention, this summertime stunner’s path to being a ...
Make an appointment even sooner if you are also experiencing pain, bleeding gums, bad breath, or bright red or purple gums. During your visit, your dentist may ask questions about your symptoms ...
Your smile is one of your most valuable assets, yet its health is often overlooked until discomfort or pain forces attention.
As the cancer progresses, symptoms can also affect the teeth, gums, tongue, and inner cheeks. Other common symptoms include mouth pain, a white or red patch on the gums, and swelling in the jaw.
Red wine has previously been linked to a range of supposed health benefits, from helping the heart to lowering the risk of diabetes. Now a new study suggests it contains chemicals that can help in ...