Strawberry Pops Blended strawberries and a splash of lemon with added honey helps in balancing sweetness. Chocolate Banana ...
Plum popsicle can be easily made at home by using simple ingredients such as plum, chaat masala, sugar, black pepper, and ...
Ice pops or freezer pops are super refreshing, especially during hot summer. Make these frozen treats at home using fresh ingredients without any food colourings or flavouring agents! Take the frozen ...
Take 15-20 roughly chopped black plums, half a cup of sugar, half a teaspoon roasted cumin powder, half teaspoon chaat masala, one teaspoon black salt, and a half lemon.
Blend the jamuns in a mixer along with lime juice, sugar and mint leaves. Strain into the popsicle moulds, place the stick and keep them in the freezer for 3 hours.