Use to summon the spirit of a glintstone sorcerer. Spirit of a Raya Lucaria sorcerer wearing a stone crown. A scholar of the Olivinus Conspectus, who has mastered the use of the Glintstone Stars ...
You will see a dead Academy Sorcerer here, whose body you can loot to get the Glinststone Key. Once you have the Glintstone Key, you can return to the Raya Lucaria Academy and pass through its gates.
To reach the Red Wolf encounter in the Academy of Raya Lucaria, you will first need to ... Take out more Glintstone Sorcerer’s there and turn west to see two flights of stairs.
Use to summon the spirit of a Twinsage sorcerer. Spirit of a Raya Lucaria sorcerer wearing a stone crown. Those who study the Twinsage Conspectus are the academy's elite, capable of mastering the ...