Question: I have a rash on my nipple that comes and goes. I was referred for a mammogram last year due to a lump and nothing was found. I don’t want to go again, as I am 50 and have been checked so ...
Usually, diaper rash is the result of an irritation, infection, or allergy. Also, starting new foods can change the content and frequency of a baby's poop, which can sometimes lead to a diaper rash.
Background Paediatricians are concerned that children who present with a non-blanching rash may have meningococcal disease (MCD). An algorithm to help identify which children with a non-blanching rash ...
Go directly to the topic that relates to your question for advice. Many newborn rashes that have no clear cause are heat rashes. Heat rashes are a pink blotchy area with tiny bumps. They mainly occur ...
a diaper fasteners (if you use prefolded cloth diapers) a container of warm water and cotton balls (for babies with sensitive skin) or a clean washcloth or diaper wipes diaper ointment or petroleum ...
A very itchy rash caused by the scabies mite A mite is a tiny, invisible bug that burrows under the skin A doctor has told you your child has scabies or Your child has had close contact with another ...