ROHM Semiconductor U.S.A., LLC, will participate in Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 2025, the premier power ...
One of the attractions of the JFET is its bang-per-buck. For a given on-resistance, this chip can be smaller than other forms of SiC transistor, and the cost of production is relatively low, with ...
In response to the increasing adoption of GaN devices in the automotive sector, which is expected to accelerate in 2026, ROHM plans to ensure the rapid introduction of automotive-grade GaN devices by ...
In power electronics, silicon carbide beats silicon in most of the metrics that count, except cost. Infineon is trying to ...
ROHM has developed 650V GaN HEMTs in the TOLL (TO-LeadLess) package: the GNP2070TD-Z. Featuring a compact design with ...