Were intellectual pursuits only for men? If we look at the scenario, say, some decades ago, how much was women’s ...
People around the globe will celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8 – which also happens to fall during Women’s History Month in the ...
Over the past 15 years, the global community has made significant effort in including and engaging women and girls in science, yet women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully ...
Enter the Period Symptom Checker, a virtual quiz aimed at helping women take control of their menstrual health, understand their symptoms and empower them to book an appointment with their GP to ...
In 1866 a group of women (later called 'suffragettes') started a petition calling for women’s right to vote. Lots of women from all over the UK signed the petition. Put yourself in their shoes ...
QFI has decided to host the Purple Riband Challenge Quiz, a women-themed general knowledge quiz for all. The quiz open to two-member teams (both women or mixed) will be hosted by three eminent ...