In the late, chill spring of 1886, with morning frost still on the ground at eleven, the Queen left Windsor ... of an apparent heart ailment early in 1884. Victoria's contact with another regional ...
The Queen made some unwise choices early in her reign as she allowed ... with grief and wore mourning for the rest of her life. Victoria withdrew from public life after Albert's death, but kept ...
But Marie Downing was Cinderella in reverse — leaving the opulence of Queen Victoria’s court in 1887 to become a modest farmer’s wife in rural America. It was a colossal culture shock from the ...
John Bean’s life was a tragic one ... of her beloved Prince Albert in 1861, Queen Victoria became hard for any would-be assassin to get at. When in early 1872 a service at St Paul’s Cathedral ...
Strong, intelligent, and best known as Queen Victoria’s African goddaughter, Sarah Forbes Bonetta led an extraordinary life.
She bagged the role of Queen Victoria in the 2001 TV production, Victoria and Albert, where she depicted the monarch during her early years ... solid thing in your life. If work goes great ...
Alexandrina Victoria ... the Queen. A confused bishop wrongly told her the ceremony was over and she then had to come back to her seat to finish the service. In her Journal Victoria recorded the ...