A dual-band mobile radio can easily run $600, and a high-end HF base ... drawers, CW QRP radios don’t need much more than that, and sometimes even the highest-performing antennas are little ...
A Tiny QRP(p) T-Match Antenna Tuner for Portable, SOTA and POTA operations. POCKET TUNER is a T-Match highly minituarized portable anteanna tuner for HF Bands. Works on HF Bands from 6m to 80m. Can ...
His recent video shows how to put up a workable basic HF antenna in a small backyard. The center of the system is a 49:1 unun. An unun is like a balun, but while a balun goes from balanced line to ...
This QRP SWR meter was designed for using with my Yaesu FT-817ND transceiver. Actually, it is antenna impedance meter based on Wheatstone bridge where antenna represents the unknown resistance. The ...