Of course, the standard way of controlling CPU fans these days is with PWM, so he built a circuit which essentially converts the PWM signal from the motherboard into a phantom thermistor.
Common PWN FAN doesn't stop on 0% PWM signal and still running on minimum RPM. It is possible to control the fan speed not by fan PWM, but by PWM of DC input. In that case the fan can be stopped, but ...
Choosing the right fans for your PC build is more important than you might think. With the ongoing quest for quieter, cooler, and more efficient systems, the debate between PWM (Pulse Width Modulation ...
Anyway, any 5V PWM NOCTUA fans have the advantage of being very quiet and having ... if not with a proper interfacing circuit). Then you can stick the connector on the GPIO header, connecting the ...
An integrated circuit that varies the speed and airflow of a cooling fan using a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) voltage in response to temperature or system commands.
For not using a scope, this method is pretty accurate, and only uses two discrete circuit components (the resistor and the speaker). If you’re ever in a pinch with PWM, this is sure to help ...
Lian Li introduced the EDGE GOLD series power supply units (PSUs) as the latest extension of its T-shaped PSU lineup. Designed specifically for dual-chamber and tower cases, the EDGE GOLD series ...
The circuit works by introducing a delay for the rising edge and not the falling edge of the output PWM signals. By connecting a diode in parallel with the resistor of the RC circuit it allows the RC ...
There is no internal pull-up or pull down for the PWM pin, it must always be externally connected in order to function. If not desired to supply an input to the PWM with a GPIO then a resistor divider ...