Scrabble Together will include helper cards, using a simpler scoring system that will be quicker to play and allow people to play in teams.
If you’re new to Scrabble, the board-and-tile game is all about competing to form words with lettered tiles on a 225-square board. The word game is like a crossword puzzle, and just like any ...
Scrabble Together, now available in Europe, is the first major update to the game in more than 75 years ... V.M. Braganza Test your mettle with this puzzle created exclusively for 'Smithsonian ...
Scrabble' has been taken on by Fremantle and The CW game show will be produced and distributed around the world.
If you’re new to Scrabble, the board-and-tile game is all about competing to form words with lettered tiles on a 225-square board. The word game is like a crossword puzzle, and just like any ...