This system ensures a stable supply of large volumes of ammonia fuel. By utilizing pure ammonia, the engine achieves a world-class specific output without requiring additional combustion-enhancing ...
"It seems that in most regions, ammonia is photolyzed and destroyed faster than it can be uplifted," Irwin said. "So pure ammonia ice clouds are rather rare and limited to small regions of very ...
The maritime shipping industry, according to IEEE Spectrum, is going towards ammonia. Burning ammonia produces no CO 2 and it isn’t hard to make. It doesn’t require special storage techniques ...
The cracking technology enables the conversion of ammonia into hydrogen for use in fuel cells or hydrogen-powered engines ...
This could all change, however, with the help of one garden-variety chemical: ammonia. Ammonia is now coming to the fore as an alternative solution. It’s often been cited as a potential way to ...
Danish engine designer MAN Energy Solutions has set a date for the commercial release of its new ammonia dual-fuelled engine.