While both ingredients are found in OTC products, pseudoephedrine is available behind the pharmacy counter due to regulations. Before using either decongestant, it is important to consider its ...
Anything with "PE" in the name isn't worth buying Phenylephrine is the decongestant that replaced pseudoephedrine in over-the-counter products. Phenylephrine, the "PE" ingredient, has been known ...
OTC cough and cold medications reformulated with pseudoephedrine have taken their ... have reformulated at least some of their products with ephedrine alkaloids. FDA's sudden recommendation ...
The Consumer Healthcare Products Association ... Phenylephrine started to be used in OTC decongestants after manufacturers moved away from the use of pseudoephedrine and ephedrine due to FDA ...
Pseudoephedrine is one of the most commonly used OTC drugs and is used for its decongestant properties. Even when taken at indicated dosages, there are serious risks when older adults take this ...
Avoid aspirin, pseudoephedrine-containing products, other pain relievers or nasal decongestants. Increased risk of GI bleed with anticoagulants, corticosteroids, other OTC or Rx NSAIDs ...