The premise for Tracks Of The Week is simple - we've collated a batch of new releases by bands falling under the progressive ...
Want to transport yourself to another world with some solid prog-rock albums? These four records are just a few of the very ...
Look into the best songs of the prog rock canon, and you’ll find tunes about everything in life that really matters: Spiritual journeys, eternal love, fast racing cars, and the need to avoid ...
Peter Gabriel may be famous to most people as Genesis' original frontman, or for his iconic rock song Sledgehammer, but if prog’s your game, Red Rain is a great track to test your hi-fi system.
Still, it’s a notorious song that gets the backs up of Genesis ... Strangeness and Charm” Hawkwind are more like churning “space rock” than prog, but they somewhat fit.
Already, Loudwire has looked at the best “epic” song by 10 classic prog rock bands; the best non-“epic” song by 10 classic prog rock bands; and the best “epic” song by 11 prog metal bands.
Rush frontman Geddy Lee speaks extensively about his influences. He once said one classic album "embodies" the best things ...
Progressive-rock keyboardist Keith Emerson once found ... Kansas came up with a song called “Incomudro-Hymn to the Atman” and another called “Lamplight Symphony.” Todd Rundgren essayed ...