Activia asks you to "take the gut health challenge," suggesting that you eat Activia yogurt twice a day for 14 days. That ...
So how might Activia help alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms? The company's products are said to contain billions of live ...
Lured by the promise of better digestion and a stronger immune system, Britons today spend about £1billion a year on probiotic supplements – quite a rise from an annual £62million in 2000.
Probiotics, according to the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics, are “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts,” may benefit that gut ...
That case is still ongoing. In another case, Dannon was forced to drop claims that its probiotic yogurt Activia relieves irregularity, and that its drinkable yogurt DanActive helps prevent colds ...
From all of the aforementioned findings, there would appear to be a very good case for the administration of probiotics to the elderly population. To summarize, these individuals have a range of ...
This is the story of Activia by Danone, a delicious yogurt with a unique probiotic culture called B.L. Regularis™, an ingredient that is proven to promote regularity and the healthy functioning of the ...
Although the probiotic companies claimed such health ... Yakult and Danone (who also make Activia and Actimel) say they stand by their health claims but comply with the law in EU.