which connects the middle ear to the back of your nose and helps balance pressure, becomes blocked or stops working as it should. Illnesses, altitude changes, and wax buildup are possible culprits ...
If you’ve ever been outside on a windy day and suddenly felt like your ears were all blocked up, you’re not alone. This is a ...
"To relieve the pressure, your Eustachian tube, which connects the ear, nose and throat opens up to fix this imbalance and causes a popping sound," Parikh said. The pain behind the ear pressure is ...
Blowing your nose too forcefully could damage your nasal passages or push mucus back into your sinuses, increasing congestion.
Discover the expert-approved way to clear your stuffy nose and avoid painful complications during cold and flu season.
Cold weather causes the arteries in extremities, including ears, to narrow to conserve blood flow to the body’s core. This reduction in blood flow can cause ear pain and discomfort. While ear pain is ...
“You have to put some pressure into it ... Dr. Parikh says it’s time to see an allergist or ear, nose, and throat specialist for an evaluation. We may earn commission from links on this ...
The Toynbee maneuver helps to equalize the pressure in your ears like the Valsalva maneuver, but it uses the muscles of the throat. Pinch your nose and take a few sips of water to help you swallow.