Give thanks for the bounty and friends and family with these meaningful Thanksgiving prayers and blessings that embody what the holiday is truly about. Traditional PrayerBless us, oh Lord ...
Former New York Yankees All-Star Brett Gardner and his family announced devastating news on Sunday. Gardner and his wife ...
As Ann reiterates, Christians traditionally offer Easter prayers around the dinner table before sharing a big Easter meal with extended family or friends. There are many prayers and biblical ...
Whitney, the author of Family Worship, suggests having a regular time each day for the practice and choosing a time when the ...
Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of March is for families in crisis. “We all dream about a beautiful, perfect family but there’s no such thing as a perfect family,” Pope ...
Sean and Christina are overwhelmed and humbled by the love and support of their family, friends and community. They continue to need our prayers as their beautiful Mia continues to fight.