For St. Gregory of Narek, prayer was a conversation between a sinner and a merciful God — one we can still join today.
Whenever I begin a spiritual direction visit or write a retreat conference, I turn to one of two prayer books that have sustained me over the years. The pages have come loose and oft-used prayers are ...
This digital book is packed with prayers and reflections from around the world to help you rediscover the power of hope.
THE November gathering of The Book Circle was held on Wednesday, 12 February and a variety of books were shared. This is an ...
Benedict's Way of Love by Lonni Collins Pratt with Fr Daniel Homan OSB. Publisher: Paraclete PressDuring the Week of Prayer ...
His prayers bring him no consolation but only sharpen her lack ... the brilliant and underread theologian-priest Louis-Marie Chauvet, who drew on Freud in his book Symbol and Sacrament: A Sacramental ...
The Serenity Prayer in all of its forms rests on Niebuhr’s hard-won sense of history’s tragic dimension, borne of his experience of two world wars and a global depression. He recognized that even the ...
Richly coloured and decorated work is going on show after conservation, partly funded by the Tefaf Museum Restoration Fund ...
We're sorry but the J. Paul Getty Museum Collection doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue. This information comes from the ...
Many in the Jewish community seek translations of sacred texts as a way of fighting for their national and religious identity ...
According to the editors, the Hebrew-English tome is a prayer book companion that emulates a long tradition of Jewish women ...