To this add grated ginger/ginger powder and boil. 3. Add tea leaves, switch off the flame and let it infuse for two minutes. 4. Add the jaggery and mix and infuse for two more minutes. 5. Strain the ...
It has warming properties that help keep you warm and boost your immunity. Tap to read the nutmeg and ginger tea recipe to treat colds and coughs in winter.
Turmeric Tea Let's kick things off with a basic turmeric tea recipe. It's a great ... 1/4 teaspoon of ground turmeric, 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger, and honey. Pour the juice, turmeric, and ...
Don't be tempted to substitute fresh ginger for ground ginger or vice versa. Store fresh root ginger in the fridge. Ground ginger should be replaced frequently as, like other dried spices ...