Normal potatoes last two to three months in a cool, dry place, so placing them in the fridge could keep them edible for six months ... big difference in reducing food waste.
They advise: "By following a few simple steps, you can keep your potatoes nearly as fresh as the day you bought them for up to six months ... To help curb food waste, they suggest limiting ...
Potatoes are a staple for creating warming ... they should stay fresh for up to six months longer than usual.
9–12-month-olds: Offer your older baby peeled, shredded raw apples. 6–8-month-olds: Cook a whole sweet potato. Peel and cut ... you can more easily pinpoint the food that may have caused ...
If making cottage pie too, you will need 1kg potatoes and 5 carrots ... appetites can vary. At 6 months your baby may eat 1–2 ice cube-sized portions of food, increasing as they get older.