Through the post-war 20th century, the Global South saw much influence from foreign architects, often invited by local governments to bring their expertise and visionary thinking. Sought as a ...
vastly rich strata of modernist architectural heritage that was detached from the Western historical master narrative as a result of the Cold War. After losing a great number of masterpiece buildings ...
The other source of inspiration for post war architects were the early 20th Century garden cities like Welwyn and Letchworth, built as experiments in social engineering where the middle and the ...
Note Includes index. Bibliography: p.983-994. This first anthology of modernist art, design and architecture in Australia reveals the raw nerves that modernism exposed and highlights the role of ...
US president Donald Trump's move to promote classical architecture over modernism is aimed at suppressing optimism for the future, writes Steven Holl. What did Stalin do in 1933, Hitler do in 1937 ...
The building was built in 1969 and demolished in 1979, it attempted to incorporate the stylistic approach of post-war modernism, ©Shahed Saleem This research presents the first overview of Muslim ...