Positive coliform bacteria test results can be listed two ways ... After chlorination, submit another water sample. The water should test negative several times before use. Also, several treatments ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The U.S. Army Garrison said testing is underway after E. coli bacteria was detected during a routine drinking water sample in the distribution system at the Tripler Army ...
March 9-15 — officials at the Minnesota Department of Health are reminding private well owners about the importance of yearly ...
The city said the boil advisory started after a monthly routine water test from the Department of Environmental Quality. One of those tests came back positive for coliform so DEQ had the city re ...
COIMBATORE: A recent test conducted by water analysis department of health department in Coimbatore has revealed the presence of high level faecal coliform in the Bhavani river water, making it ...
The National Water Commission (NWC) has reaffirmed the safety and quality of the water being supplied to Kingston and St ...
The March 12 Three Oaks Village Council meeting opened with a decision on chlorination of the village water system, which was started after three boil water advisories ...
“You can’t taste, smell or see most contaminants, so testing is the only way to know how safe your water is,” said MDH Water ...