Schnitzel can be made with veal, chicken, or pork. When using pork, which cut offers the best flavor and classic texture?
Lard and fatback may both be beloved pork products with rich, fatty flavor but their evident different textures make them ...
Pork fat has been ranked as one of the healthiest foods in the world, scoring better than 92 other foods that include fruit ...
It has been named one of the world's healthiest foods, ranking higher for its nutritional value than a whole host of fruit ...
Cultivated meat company Mission Barns has received a “No Questions” letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), ...
Pulled pork used to require hours of time to slow smoke the meat to a state of fall-apart tenderness. These days, you can buy ...
The exhibit "The Future of Food " features interactive games for kids of all ages, helping them learn more about where their ...
Here's a simple dinner that provides a warm charm, with tender medallions of pork covered by a silky, lemon-wine sauce.
Choose neat cuts with a fine-grained texture. Although pork is a lean meat, there may be a slight marbling of fat (especially in traditional breeds) that should be firm and white. Avoid any meat ...
At FIG, it’s a chicken liver pâté. We use a really old-school process that isn’t used very often, where we emulsify the pork fatback and the chicken livers with bacon. It is as smooth as ...