Yakima City Council approved police spending on Tasers and virtual reality headsets on Tuesday, an expenditure criticized by ...
The BolaWrap 150 Remote Restraint Device is the Richmond Police Department's newest tool for catching non-compliant subjects ...
The Seattle Police Department has released body-camera footage showing the moments leading up to an officer shooting and ...
A man who grabbed a Philadelphia police officer’s gun and then shot him with it was killed by the officer’s partner Thursday ...
A man was killed by police after he stole an officer's gun and shot one of the officers in the vest while he was being ...
Authorities say 37-year-old Sawyer Felton was wielding an ax when he was shot and killed Wednesday by Pinehurst police ...
That’s happened as a result of the use of force by cops, an investigation by the Chicago Sun-Times and the Investigative ...
A warrant, a suspect, a foot chase, a taser and a trip to jail, all happened on Monday afternoon in an incident at the ...
Silver Spring shoplifting suspect Joshua Mundy was arrested after a foot chase and now faces theft and resisting arrest ...
A Miami Gardens woman is facing charges after police said she attacked her girlfriend with a Taser and an umbrella during a ...