Recognized for revitalizing the painting genre, Carlton Fine Arts will present a range of Santina Semadar paintings timed to ...
From three to 10 years old, Sai Antonio says she was abused by a man known to her family. Then she used art to dissociate but ...
Photoshop tutorial showing how to create the look of a pointillist painting from a photo. White House formally instructs agencies to prepare for 'large-scale' layoffs A $19 strawberry has caused a ...
Voilà! Georges Seurat helped to create a new type of painting called pointillism. He painted lots of tiny dots and dashes to make up a larger image. When you look closely, it looks like a group ...
Stop by and enjoy the oil paintings of Justina Faunt in the Sarosik Gallery, located within The Gallery, 130 W. Washington St. Marquette. It’s open 7 days a week, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Faunt is a young ...