The movement of the plates creates three types of tectonic boundaries: convergent, where plates move into one another; divergent, where plates move apart; and transform, where plates move sideways ...
Plate boundaries are where the action is. A large fraction of all earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building occurs at plate boundaries. It is also where most of the people on Earth live.
Today, the upheavals of plate tectonics continually reshape Earth. When this began is much disputed - and we can’t fully understand how life began to thrive on our planet until we figure it out ...
Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth's outer layer is made up of plates, which have moved throughout Earth's history. The theory explains the how and why behind mountains, volcanoes ...
All of these processes result from plate tectonics, the movement of enormous chunks of Earth's crust. This movement may be why life exists here. Earth is the only known planet with plate tectonics ...
Earth’s surface is constantly shifting, shaped by the slow but powerful movement of tectonic plates. While some plates have ...
or two colliding plates can form a mountain belt. At divergent boundaries, plates move away from each other and form mid-ocean ridges or major rift zones, and at strike-slip boundaries plates ...
It has vast water oceans and abundant life. But Earth is also unique because it is the only planet with plate tectonics, which shaped its geology, climate and possibly influenced the evolution of ...
Where convection currents push plates together, destructive plate boundaries (margins) are formed. Constructive plate margins close constructive plate marginAn area where two tectonic plates are ...