There are some important areas to get right if you want to grow marigolds in containers and below are five key factors that ...
There's something sweet and inspiring about seeing marigolds growing in pots or flowerbeds around the home. They are beautiful flowers, and that pop of yellow or orange in your garden can help to ...
A gardening expert has shared the one mistake people make when they try to grow vegetables - and it often leads to pests and ...
What constitutes a “garden?” What size does it have to be? These are questions I’m often asked. A “garden” can be anywhere ...
Marigolds are beautiful flowers that not only liven up gardens but also repel nematodes, aphids, and mosquitoes with their signature smell. By planting marigolds around vegetable patches or flower ...
The sun has finally appeared these past few weeks, and we'll hopefully have more sunshine to look forward to as spring ...
Grow French marigolds among tomatoes. Marigolds emit a strong odour that will repel greenfly and blackfly. Grow sage with carrots or plants in the cabbage family to ward off pests. Both have ...
With their lovely hues of soft pinks, purples, and whites, they can be planted in pots ... planting them in April or May after the threat of late frost is gone to ensure the best blooms. Marigolds ...
It may be too early to plant annuals such as geraniums, petunias and marigolds and also too early ... blooms yellow eye in Fibreclay grey toned pot long container 26/03/14 26/03/2014 260314 ...