The cleverest tips for all your plant babies to thrive, indoors and outdoors. Whether your thumb is green or brown, we could ...
Hot and dry summers have become an annual challenge in recent years, yet some of the best desert plants, including shrubs and perennials, can offer gardeners a solution to cope with extreme heat ...
I learned this the hard way with a saucer on an antique wooden cabinet. For more plant advice, contact the Plant Information Service at the Chicago Botanic Garden at [email protected].
but she’s also got some seriously useful plant advice to share. From how often you should be watering your snake plant to the amount of sunlight your Chinese money plant needs, her informative ...
Plant advice lines Anytime: [email protected] Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9 a.m. to noon at UH-CES in Kainaliu: 322-4893 or walk in. Mon., Tues. and Friday: 9 a.m. to noon at UH-CES at Konohana in ...
For more plant advice, contact the Plant Information Service at the Chicago Botanic Garden at [email protected]. Tim Johnson is senior director of horticulture at the Chicago Botanic ...
Round Rock Garden Center offers a vast selection of plants, expert gardening advice and a welcoming space for plant ...
The Plant Finder database is no longer available. For thousands of plant descriptions, growing information, advice and images visit the Royal Horticultural Society's Plant Selector.