which was not launched in India, which means it’s been a little under two years since Indian Pixel fans have seen a new phone. The Pixel 6a is a simple smartphone – unassuming in both design ...
How do we rate a Device? Rating a smartphone is a tedious process and a lot of parameters have to be considered before judging the overall performance of the device such as display, camera ...
While the search giant’s flagship devices were not launched in India, the company continued to launch mid-range devices such as the Pixel 6a. After the Pixel 7 series launch, Pixel fans have ...
According to a new report, Google Pixel managed to find some traction in India's premium smartphone market in 2024.
and Pixel 6a were quickly approaching their last expected major Android OS update. That’s no longer the case though, as Google has updated its support page to indicate that Pixel 6 and newer ...