TOPヒマラヤ産ピンクソルトは、普通の塩とどう違う? 塩の用途はさまざまありますが、少なくとも、料理の味付けに不可欠です。 それから、めったにないことではありますが、体内の塩分が極端に足りなくなると、ナトリウム欠乏症で死ぬこともあります。
It might look pretty, but a pinch of this stuff will cost you. 100 grams of pink Himalayan salt can cost $5 to $8, up to 20 times more than generic table salt. Ouch. But why is it so expensive?
kosher salt, Himalayan pink salt, and Celtic sea salt, it can be challenging to determine which one to choose. This article will explore the significant differences between these two natural salts ...
From the classic table salt to the trendy pink Himalayan salt, each type offers unique characteristics and health implications. We spoke to our expert, Dr Bhumesh Tyagi, Consultant- General ...