Picture frames can get very expensive, very fast. So when we find a collection of affordable frames that don't look like they ...
Google Photos API changes are throwing digital picture frames for a loop, and users may have to start manually selecting pics ...
Google Photos no longer allows third-party apps to request access to your entire Photos library. From a privacy standpoint, ...
So, you could share the album with Grandma’s Aura frame, and she’d get a constant stream of new pictures of her grandkids. However, according to Jenisse Curry, senior director of ...
Now that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, I’ll be celebrating for the first time with my husband and want to take the photo idea one step further with an Aura Digital Picture Frame. This ...
Google is changing its Photos API and it's not good news for some digital photo frames. There is a small saving grace, ...
However, it does an able job of displaying photos for a device that was never designed to do so. It looks rather handsome all wrapped up as a 3D printed picture frame, and [Sprite_tm]’s monkey ...
Google announced changes to its Photos API last September. Some of those changes going into effect at the end of March could break compatibility with products like digital picture frames.