This profile has not been claimed by the company. See reviews below to learn more or submit your own review. Phonak offers hearing aids in a variety of styles, colors, sizes and technology levels.
Phonak is a powerhouse in hearing aid technology ... Bluetooth streaming: “A lot of the latest hearing aids now have Bluetooth, so you can connect them to your phone, TV, or other devices.” ...
we recommend the latest flagship hearing aid by Phonak, the Audéo Lumity. This hearing aid has several new and impressive ...
Some of the latest hearing aids also sport artificial ... as her “top choice” for people looking for a discreet hearing aid. The Phonak Lyric is an invisible hearing aid that you can wear ...
Phonak, a brand of Switzerland-based multinational hearing solutions provider Sonova, has launched a new family of hearing aid devices based on its innovative Infinio platform in China ...
I wore Phonak hearing aids for 9 years and never had a problem ... failed a few months later in 2023 and was repaired through a new receiver. The left receiver has just failed now in 2024, and ...