Red-eyed tree frogs are not endangered. But their habitat is shrinking at an alarming rate, and their highly recognizable image is often used to promote the cause of saving the world's rain forests.
Many people don’t realize that many amphibians are carnivores or at the very least insectivores. These animals hunt for food ...
Australian green tree frogs ... exotic pet owners. There are actually eight total species of Pac-man frogs, sometimes also ...
But encroachments on its wetland habitats and the introduction of nonnative plants and animals have almost totally extinguished the frog. Over the past 50 years, this unique amphibian has disappeared ...
A juvenile American tree frog (Hyla cinerea ... onset of swelling of the left front leg (Fig. 1). A pet store had housed and displayed the frog in a small vivarium shared with other frogs of ...
The yellow-spotted tree frog ... spotted tree frog. Frogs get the disease from the chytrid fungus. A more moderate threat is the degradation and loss of the frog’s natural habitat.
Once so common it was a staple cuisine, California's largest native frog has now lost 90 percent of its historic population. Thanks to Center litigation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designated ...