As support for financial literacy education grows, more schools have started offering courses on the topic. Soon it will be a graduation requirement for Pennsylvania students.
To that end, Lusardi’s team will develop a curriculum that can be proliferated to other institutions. “Too many places have ...
Thirty-six states require students to take a personal finance course to graduate. We visit classrooms to learn how it works.
a nonprofit that has developed a personal finance curriculum used by more than 60,000 high school and middle school teachers. South Carolina recently became the 15th state to require that high ...
As a response to the growing demand for financial literacy education, NEFE developed a curriculum that it provides for free to schools. Teachers who want to introduce personal finance into the ...
Since that time, nine schools in the Coastal Bend are considering the Ramsey Education Foundation's Personal Finance curriculum and two local schools are already using it. Many people feel this ...
Personal Finance, Financial Education, Financial Curriculum, State Savings Plans (529, Secure Choice, and ABLE) North Starr Consulting Dr. Melody Bell is a personal finance expert, entrepreneur ...