As mentioned, permeable pavements eliminate impervious areas in a watershed, without sacrificing road and parking space. The permeable pavement itself is only the top layer of a larger permeable ...
Hardscaping does more than shape your space — it impacts soil health, water flow and the surrounding ecosystem.
They determined permeable pavement was an ideal solution because ... “Belgard is our number one go-to in concrete paver products, and the installer was also very familiar and happy with it ...
The “permeable pavement” would have transformed Cumberland Street between ... The Cumberland project would have been an effort to expand this infrastructure to an entire street using concrete paver ...
Pervious concrete has gone from "experimental" projects to larger installations, say Scott Erickson of Evolution Paving Resources, a company in Salem, Ore., that is dedicated to improving the ...
sustainable alternatives to traditional pavement can help reduce runoff and erosion. According to the Environmental ...
Pervious concrete pavements include a porous concrete slab, a base layer, and a stone reservoir layer for stormwater storage that allows water to gradually infiltrate the soil. GHMC officials said ...