Up to 70 elements of the periodic table can be detected and quantified from ppb to percent levels with the Perkin Elmer Optima 3300DV ... an AS-93 autosampler for large numbers of samples. In ICP-OES ...
For analytical testing labs performing trace-elemental analyses, the NexION® 2200 ICP-MS builds on a 40-year history of innovation in ICP-MS and a strong tradition of reliable, easy-to-use, ...
With a truly simultaneous system, high sensitivity and superior resolution, PerkinElmer’s Avio® 500 ICP-OES helps your lab accomplish more—even with the most difficult samples—while making the most of ...
PerkinElmer's NexION ® 1100 ICP-MS builds on a long history of dependable, easy-to-use, low-maintenance instrumentation, reinventing the user experience for routine ICP-MS applications. Its ...