Often misunderstood as a breakout, rosacea or a rash, perioral dermatitis can be challenging to identify. It presents itself as a persistent and recurring acne-style eruption around the mouth ...
Skin conditions are more common than you might think, with perioral dermatitis being one of the most prevalent. You've likely encountered it before, with celebrities like Hailey Bieber sharing ...
There’s been a rise in perioral dermatitis cases recently, so if you’ve had an unexplained breakout that you’re struggling to get rid of, read this. A couple of weeks ago, I casually ...
Perioral dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disease presenting as tiny papules or pustules localized around the mouth, nose, or eyes. It is often confused with acne vulgaris, rosacea ...
What exactly is perioral dermatitis? If you have a rash around your mouth, you may have perioral dermatitis. This rash often looks like small, red, acne-like breakouts in people with light-colored ...
Without treatment, POD can last from months to years. Treatment with appropriate oral or topical antibiotics usually results in clearance within 6–10 weeks. In some cases, POD may clear without ...
Spots around the mouth are common – but what causes them? And how you know when it’s perioral dermatitis? A consultant dermatologist explains all… Spots can crop up anywhere on your face but ...
My face has been through it. Acne that laughed in the face of prescriptions. Perioral dermatitis that made me look like I had a permanent allergic reaction; skin so dry and dehydrated that even ...
That is, until my gnarliest dermatitis flare-up to date began. I, like many other women, deal with an inflammatory skin condition known as perioral dermatitis. It’s a relative of rosacea ...