As of 2011, rat poison bait must be sold in the form of blocks rather than pellets or loose bait. It must also be packaged in a tamper-proof bait station. Call your city or county hazardous ...
The bill, which passed Thursday, green-lighted a program that will put a contraceptive pellet called ContraPest ... found ...
chemicals commonly found in imported rat poison. The liquid is often packaged in small plastic or glass vials containing pink, colorless, or brown solutions, or in rice grain-shaped pellets dyed ...
Humans have been poisoning rodents for centuries. But fast-breeding rats and mice have evolved resistance to earlier poisons. In response, manufacturers have produced second generation ...
A dog walker said that the police were called and they confirmed that the pellets were rat poison. One local woman, who did not wish to be named, said she used to walk her dog there all the time ...