Key Takeaways Oxalis weeds will compete with your grass and garden plants for water and nutrients.There are many kinds of ...
It’s one of about 800 Oxalis species worldwide ... bears bracts ranging from bright-red or pink to dull green. This plant ...
The shamrock is deeply rooted in Irish folklore. According to legend, Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, used the ...
With St. Patrick’s Day approaching, grocery stores and nurseries will be selling “shamrocks.” As someone of Irish descent, I ...
AD, a missionary who earlier assumed the name Patricius, arrived in Ireland with the objective of converting the Celtic Irish to Christianity. Legend has it that he used a small, three-leafed plant to ...
It allows creeping oxalis to spread out through turf to form quite dense mats at times. It is helped by its tolerance of many commonly used selective turf herbicides. It has little yellow flowers ...
Oxalis triangularis looks like clover with its three triangular leaflets. This eye-catching plant produces small white to pink flowers. Its leaves may be green, variegated or deep maroon.
It is most troublesome in flower gardens, where it is an eye sore and quickly covers freshly-weeded gardens with more foliage. It is also found in horticultural crops which use residual herbicides. As ...