Everything in between minus one and minus 2.5 is called osteopenia. It's lower than normal, but it's not yet lower enough to be given the word osteoporosis.
Learn more about what osteopenia is and how to prevent it. Advice to improve your movement, fitness, and overall health from the world's #1 in orthopedics. Odds are you’ve heard of osteoporosis. This ...
The Royal Osteoporosis Society explain what osteopenia and osteoporosis mean and how diet, lifestyle and genetic factors can affect bone density.
Many people worry about the safety of exercise later in life. You may be concerned if you already have osteoporosis or osteopenia. Perhaps you have never been very physically active. Whatever your ...
Those concerns have recently taken on added urgency as many doctors have started prescribing bisphosphonates not just for people with outright osteoporosis but also for those with osteopenia ...
reduces fracture rates among women with osteoporosis, usually defined as bone mineral density T-scores lower than -2.5. However, the benefit of alendronate in women with osteopenia (i.e., T-scores ...
Project Healthy Bones (PBH) is a 24-week program for adults with or at risk for osteoporosis or osteopenia. PHB exercises target the body’s larger muscle groups to improve strength, balance ...
You might be told that you have low bone mineral density or osteopenia. This means that your bones are less dense than is normal for your age. It doesn’t mean that you will definitely develop ...