Glimpse Into the Orion Nebula The Hubble Space Telescope’s latest Picture of the Week offers a stunning glimpse into the ...
During or after the holiday season, people often ask me why I don’t tell stories from the Judeo-Christian tradition. Frankly, ...
Winter skies can be the clearest of the year and the richest in stars. Here are some of the constellations and planets to ...
Using the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered that planet-forming disks in the Orion nebula actually ...
The constellation Orion was named after the hunter by the same name in Greek mythology and includes more than a dozen distant stars. But two are particularly bright: the red supergiant Betelgeuse ...
The Red Planet comes closest to Earth, disappears behind the Moon in an occultation, and finally reaches opposition in the ...
This idea fits because the star-forming Orion nebula is replete with hot and massive OB stars. "We are using quite an old idea - that radiation from massive stars is so strong it erodes the gas ...
Although “shooting stars” can appear anywhere in the night sky, it’s wise to gaze vaguely in the direction of this meteor shower’s source constellation, Orion. Its most famous signpost are ...
Greetings, stargazers. A prominent winter constellation is Taurus, the bull. It is particularly easy to find this month, because Jupiter is right in the middle of it. At magnitude -2.68, Jupiter will ...