The argument for feeding your baby organic baby formula is kind of a no-brainer. Just like an adult might want to stick to ...
The nutrition decisions you make for your baby will impact their growth and development right now and for years to come.
Nutritional and safety standards for baby formula around the world are set by legislation, but not all legislation is the same. Europe stands out for having some of the strictest standards for ...
She explains that, while the toddler years are hugely important in terms of brain and body growth, and that a focus on ...
New Organic Baby Formula Modeled After Breast Milk Shazi Visram, mother and self-made female entrepreneur, discusses Happy Baby, the U.S. market's first organic baby formula that also has ...
Some parents may also prefer to use organic ingredients, which Mama Bear Gentle Baby Formula does not have. Additionally, this formula may be more expensive than other brands, but we feel that the ...
Yet unlike baby formula, the toddler milk products are not regulated by the FDA and are potentially harmful, according to PHAI, a nonprofit legal research center located at Northeastern University ...
“Toddler milk is purposely marketed and labeled to look like infant formula,” said Andrew Rainer, the attorney at PHAI leading the case. “It sits on shelves next to infant formula, and is ...