even those of us who thought the fever guns might be better used in other circumstances. But to call the practice “silly” may have been too kind. Oral thermometers are fairly accurate ...
A green display suggests a normal temperature, yellow signifies an ... SpeedRead can be used as an oral digital thermometer, a baby rectal thermometer or under the arm.
Taking your temperature with an oral thermometer is becoming outdated. It's accurate, but who wants to stick a glass tube full of mercury in their mouth? Even if this isn't true, oral temperature ...
In this case-based module, GPSI in paediatrics Dr David Capehorn discusses four scenarios involving fever in children and ...
You probably want to do oral for kids over the age of five who won't bite down on a thermometer. And a rectal temperature even though it's the most accurate, it's probably a little bit difficult ...
They should act as a reliable indicator of whether someone’s temperature is raised and if they require medical treatment. But, rather than buying multiple thermometers to suit every person in ...
The published evidence on fever guns is damning. One study from the FDA compared their readings, as produced under ideal conditions, with those from oral thermometers; it found that they were often ...