From reducing anxiety to possibly slowing dementia, learn more about the benefits meditating has on your brain.
When our attention is in constant demand online, meditation could be the key to reclaiming our ability to rejuvenate ourselves and focus on the things that really matter. The Science of Brain Rot ...
Another fan of meditation is Daniel Ingram, an emergency doctor in Alabama who also runs an online meditation forum with 5000 members. From Daniel’s point of view, strong experiences from ...
The first time I ever went on a silent meditation retreat, 11 years ago, I thought I had entered the zombie apocalypse. After arriving and having dinner with my fellow retreatants, we went into ...
Meditation is making its way back onto the agenda of the 21st Century. From corporate executives who swear it helps them become more effective leaders, and school children in classrooms ...
Greek Buddhist monk's four decades of meditation practice culminates in new publication examining how meditation can lead to either attachment or liberation This publication represents an ...