Men’s mutant population possesses some mutant abilities so inconceivably powerful that they must be distinguished from the ...
we'll be categorizing each Omega as one of three 'types': Beginning our list of Omega-level mutants from Earth is Cable. The son of Cyclops and Jean Grey, Cable was raised in the future due to ...
But with those current events and the new details revealed in the current X-Men run, what is an Omega-level mutant exactly? What distinguishes them from the other mutants we see running around the 616 ...
Similar to Maggot, Storm died while fighting the ancient spirit Eegun since Storm broke their pact that she wouldn’t use her mutant powers for seven days. As Storm starts to pass into the ...
As Xavier explains in a mocking psychic lecture, Omega-Level Mutants are, by definition, evenly matched. However, Xavier has far more experience than the younger telepath. This seemingly leaves ...
Speaking of powers, Jean Grey continues to help us build up the X-Mansion, and it helps that she is an Omega Level Mutant. An Omega-Level Mutant is the highest classification of mutant power in ...