Cubicles were the hallmark of a dull, soul-sucking job. Now they seem like paradise lost. In a memorable montage from the 1999 workplace satire "Office Space," Peter Gibbons, a fed-up office drone ...
Cubicles are good for deep work and privacy ... in teamwork and collaboration but if you haven't designed an office space that encourages this, people are going to struggle to embrace it daily.
Re:Urgent’ is a satirical art exhibition being held at Young Soy Gallery in Central featuring four office cubicles and a boss ...
Grows well under fluorescent lighting without natural sunlight. It also grows without a pot or soil. You can even glue one to ...
At first glance, the office desk could belong to any Chinese executive -- an ashtray, mini-flags, a golden sculpture ...
When one imagines a corporate office space, what comes to mind is usually drab, gray walls, white cubicles, maybe even a couple of glass tables and black chairs – functional and sleek maybe but ...