Most say the Civil War began April 12, 1861, with the first shots fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. But many ...
A voracious reader, the president liked poetry, Civil War history and Southern fiction. He also sent Erica Jong a fan letter.
How brilliant a military leader are you? One of the most important battles of the U.S. Civil War -- and indeed of all U.S. history -- was the battle of Gettysburg. During the three days of July 1 ...
The history of Harpers Ferry mirrors the ... While there were many battles during the Civil War at Harpers Ferry, the most famous came just beforehand – and many believe it was the catalyst ...
Although the fort did not play a leading role in the battle — the fighting was farther to the south — it remains one of the city's most important Civil War sites. There are new efforts ...
In the words of Ken Burns, "the Civil War was history running on all cylinders. It was the most important event in the life of our nation, and its importance continues today. The blueprint of the ...