If you're someone who works hard to maintain your lawn each week of its active growing season, no-mow grass seed may sound like some sort of fever dream. Only in most lawncare aficionados' wildest ...
No Mow May is an easy life hack that can save you ... white clover improves soil health by fixing nitrogen in the soil, making nearby grass healthier and greener. Let the clover have its way ...
Many gardeners make the mistake of mowing their grass too early in spring when the weather is still cold, which can have ...
Wet weather last May and an early spring revealed a flaw in the city's plan to help pollinators — grass that grew 18 inches or more in parks and other public spaces. The Public Works Committee ...
Nashvillians interested in putting off mowing the lawn will have a good excuse through April thanks to the No Mow Month campaign.
Ashfield District Council is stepping up to support wildlife and tackle pollution as No Mow May returns. This campaign, run ...
Lawns can look untidy and overgrown in spring, but gardeners must remain patient for a little while longer or risk damaging ...
They sought to conserve water and reduce turf grass by replacing it with native plants, perennials, vegetables and no mow grasses. Working with local landscapers, the Chaska residents were ...
GREEN BAY — No Mow May is no more in Green Bay. The practice of leaving lawns untouched at the end of spring for the benefit of pollinators is no longer a city-sponsored program after the City ...
No Mow May is a conservation initiative that began ... are attracted to human food scraps and rarely nest in turf,” said Karima. “Grasses and wildflowers (dandelions, violets and clover ...